so how many cars do I have to buy?
But I’ll be happy to sell you the next one in a few years too.
My specialty is new cars through 4-5 years old.
Fleet vehicles, of course.
And brownies. I make killer brownies.
How much can I save, really?
If your budget is at least $15,000, I can save you thousands.
Less than that and the margins get pretty thin. I’ll be straight with you – if you’re shopping for a budget ride, I probably can’t save you much.
Trade-ins? You bet.
The Dealer was gonna give you pennies on your trade-in so they can flip it for fat cash.
I’ll call 3 Dealers and 3 Wholesalers. The highest bidder gets your old car. You get all the money. Or we can talk about consignment.
Too good to be true? Nope.
Let’s say I spend a couple weeks and find just the right car. I bring it to you to test drive.
It’s just not quite right.
Say so!
It won’t hurt my feelings. I didn’t design & build the car.
Until you sign on the dotted line, you are under no obligation whatsoever.
Tell me what you didn’t like. We’ll update our search criteria and I’ll get back to work.
If you find the right car on your own while I’m still looking – just shoot me a text so I know to stop. I only get paid when you buy. The looking is on me.